Gravity Rush, known in Japan as Gravity Daze (グラヴィティデイズ/重力的眩暈:上層への帰還において彼女の内宇宙に生じた摂動 Guraviti Deizu / Jūryoku-teki memai: jōsō e no kikan ni oite, kanojo no nai-uchū ni shōjita setsudō?) is an action role-playing video game developed for the PlayStation Vita. Directed by Keiichiro Toyama and written by Naoko Sato (previously known for the Siren series and the first Silent Hill), the core mechanics of the game is the player's ability to manipulate gravity, allowing unique movements and navigation. The graphics are cel-shaded, which in Toyama's opinion stand out from the western photorealistic trend.
The game is set in the fictitious, floating town of Hekseville. The story begins showing the player character, a girl called Kat, who has lost her memory. She then runs into a mysterious black cat that gives her the power to control gravity. Kat uses this ability in order to protect people from the threat of a gravity storm and the Nevi monsters that have appeared along with it.