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She's alive!

So here's a surprise, Thrall's mom is alive! Sort of...orrrrr undead? We'll know for sure when Shadowlands will be released. Anywho, the main character of the 2nd Shadowlands Afterlives animated series is Thrall's mother, Draka, who's in service of one of the 5 houses of Maldraxxus, the military ward of the Shadowlands.


All the Lords of War

Hey guys, remember the awesome cinematics Blizzard made called The Burdens of Shaohao? Well, they created something similar for the upcoming World of Warcraft expansion, Warlords of Draenor. This time it's a five part story called Lords of War where four of the bosses in the expansion are introduced by the storyteller, Maraad, who tells his own story in part five. So like with The Burdens of Shaoh [...]